Sunday, May 5, 2013

Allison's Visit to my work : )

Allison came to visit me at work, and I had some fun surprises lined up for her. The pictures tell the tale.

 She got a close encounter with Kasai and Zambizi, two of our female hippos at the zoo. We were giving them apples, oranges, and the grand finally of the whole cabbage.

 Then we went to meet Sprocket, Mogley, Colorado, Fudge, Tasselhoff, Murphy, Joe, Decker, Sobe, and Sally, our ten Rockhopper Penguins. Then are super cute, and Allison helped me with their second feeding for the day.

 Colorado and Fudge like the camera.
Joe really liked the camera.

 This is Ramani, the Sarus Crane. She is big and scary, but really a sweet heart. For some reason I couldn't get a pictures of Allison and her together, could be the massive wings and scary long beak.

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