Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Basement Remodel

Anthony's been working literally night and day, 7 days a week, to fix our basement. We knew there were a few problems when we purchased, but as we started to pull back some of the walls, we realized we opened a can of worms. Here's the process of trying to structurally fix our basement! SO MUCH labor - tears and sweat. He did an amazing job... 6 pallets of mortar and cinder block, 4 steel columns, one 22', 300 pound beam and two and a half months later...

Faux walls with no backfill supporting the foundation wall.

Wood floor - harboring spiders and decomposing in the soil. Those wood support posts are holding our house up! (and rotting out at the base)

Floor removal.

Wall removal and electric and plumbing fixed and rerouted. 

Water heaters and filtration relocated to better spot.

Temporary supports so the house doesn't cave in! 

New wood beam - 22' long, 300 lbs, through a tiny window.

Anthony shimmied it up into place - all by himself! 

Old floor supports were coming away from the support beam; cut out and retied to new beam.

Cleaning all the organic material out.

Digging for footings.

Digging and resetting the sump pump.

Dug the dirt into the middle to use as backfill later. Forms set for footings.

Bags upon bags of cement for footings.

So much cement! So much dust! 

 Footings poured, rebar in.

New footing for the support posts.

Cinder blocks take the place of the old wood wall. Dirt from footings used as backfill to support foundation wall. 

6 pallets of cinder block and mortar hauled downstairs! All by hand. 

New door - expanded the width from 24" to 32". 

Floor ready for concrete.

Pumper truck comes to pour the floor slab.

Floor poured! Tops of cinder blocks backfilled with more cement.

New structural walls framed for supporting wrongly installed wall. 

Wall constructed to create a visual barrier from crawl space.  

 Sheet rock hung. Trim, Clean up. 

Storage bins organized and sorted. 

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