Thursday, November 8, 2012

a trip to Westcliffe, CO.

We decided to make a trip to Westcliffe, which is about 2 hours from Colorado Springs. We know that Allison's Uncle and Aunt are planning to move to Westcliffe, so this post is dedicated to Todd and Angie! Hope to see you guys out here soon!

 One of the guys I work with used to live in this area, and told us we had to go up that road up into the mountains. We found a beautiful area and set up a camp for the day. The roads were not made for small cars, but the Murano did great!

 There was actually snow right next to the place we thought about camping. But at about 4:00pm it was only about 30 degrees with a good breeze, so we decided to not set up the tent and just stay until it got dark.

 I saw the most beautiful brook trout in the stream, this is a picture from the internet. I didn't have time to grab my camera.

All in all we really enjoyed Westcliffe! We ate lunch at a fun pizza place called R's, and it was delicious. We can't wait to have another reason to visit!


  1. Love it! Thank you so much. Makes me homesick! Love, Aunt Angie. :)

  2. From Todd: thanks for posting guys! That's great that you were able to visit and enjoy the area. Anthony, with your knife and fly rod, you're all set--and there really is some great fishing in that area, especially at the 10,000 foot level in some of those mountain lakes.
